Do you suspect that your partner, lover, husband and wife is being unfaithful to you. Do you want to find out truth about cheater in a relationship or marriage? We can guide and help you know about the facts, thinking of a person, situation, course of action for saving your relationship, marriage and take informed decision.

Vedic astrology, tarot and various occult practices can be of tremendous help in the situations where you find yourself helpless and seek to know the truth or facts about your relationship and about your spouse or loving partner. It might that he or she may be lying in a relationship and cheating upon you and you might not be aware of the correct picture before you take decision about commitment to a innocent looking partner or even divorce. Now a days it has become quite common for boys and girls or men and women to cheat and indulge in extra marital affairs if they are not satisfied in a relationship or it can be simply revenge cheating too. In our experiences we have usually seen that people who base their relationships on lust are most likely to cheat as they don't find anything wrong in it and lack self control and driven by their nature to do so. These cheaters can ruin any relationship and a married life to with their careless, unfaithful and disloyal attitude and behavior.
You may have questions, queries, suspicion about your married life partner, spouse, friend, lover, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend or even EX, if they are being honest to you, fair and transparent in a relationship or not. Most of the people are concerned about :
Is my boyfriend cheating upon me? Is he faithful
Does my girlfriend cheating upon me with his EX?
Is my husband loyal?
Does this person having sex with others also besides me?
Is he a flirt?
Will our relationship last long?
Is he dating other women also?
Will she remain faithful to me?
Do you suspect infidelity in your marriage?
Do you suspect Extra marital affair of your spouse?
Your consultations and personal details will be kept strictly confidential and will not be revealed to anyone.
Horoscope Consultation Fees : INR Rs.4100/- OR 74 USD Payable by Cash, Bank Transfer, Paypal, Check.'
You can ASK 3 Questions about any person and any additional question will be charged @ Rs.700/- or Rs 11 USD dollars.
Contact Us : Divyatattva @ Gmail.Com or fill up the contact form on our website.
You need to send us the details in the following format :
Full Name (Of Person whom you wish for Consultations)
Date of Birth
Accurate Time
Your Name
Present Location
Your relationship with Concerned person.
Note: All consultations, personal information, Birth data is kept strictly confidential and not shared with anyone. We will send you the report and answers after the receipt of consultation fees. Kindly send us the details of person on our email address and we will let you know how to make payment and proceed ahead. Even if you don't have accurate time of birth of individual for whom you want to consult even then truth can be revealed about her or him.
We have also noticed that there are some Moon Signs in Vedic astrology that are susceptible to adultery, infidelity, cheating in relationships but its only after detailed, careful analysis that correct assessment can be made after study of whole horoscope by an experienced astrologer. It will be incorrect to judge any horoscope just on the basis of Zodiac that a person might be cheating in a marriage or love relationship.
In Hindu Astrology we also consider Upapada Lagna or UL which shows marriage and the Arudha pada of 7th House shows the physical relationship of a individual. In horoscope charts Arudha pada of 5th House shows Love or Romance. So If the kundli shows that Upapada Lagna is connected in any way with Arudha Pada of 5th House(A5) and Arudha Pada of Seventh House (A7) there is chances of falling in love affair, forming relationship even after marriage. In a birth chart of the third house, seventh house and eleventh house is also known as Kama Trikona houses or the houses of desire. If there is heavy affliction of malefic planets in these houses in a horoscope then the chances of getting involved in extramarital relationship increases. Third house is the house of courage and for forming sexual or romantic relationship in extramarital affairs one need courage too.
💖 Top Zodiac Signs that are Likely To Cheat In Love Relationships