Power Of Mantra Japa For God Realization And Obtaining Blessings Of Deity Or Ista Devtaa By Rohit Anand New Delhi India

Power Of Mantra Japa For God Realization And Obtaining Blessings Of Deity Or Istha Devta By Rohit Anand New Delhi India.

mantra, rosary, spiritual, religion, shiva, god, religion, dharma, sound therapy, consciousness, sanatan dharma

The power of the mantra manifests itself only in qualified aspirants.towards the end of his life, Sri Ramakrishna one day initiated his disciple Narendra with Rama mantra at the Cossipore garden house. This produced a remarkable change in Naren who was by nature endowed with great power of self control. In this instance he entered into an ecstatic state and went round and round the house repeating the name of the Lord " Rama" "Rama" in a high and excited voice. He had practically no outward consciousness and spent the whole night in this way. When the master was informed of this, he only said, " Let him be, he will come round in due course." Naren came round after some hours.Every word is the expression of some ideas or desire that arises in us. The mantras stand for the spiritual urges of man. Just as an ordinary word when heard or uttered can arouse a certain idea or desire in us, so also mantras, can arouse in us our latent spiritual tendencies.

The expression of these latent spiritual tendencies are common to people of a particular cultural group, and therefore each cultural group has its own sacred word symbols or mantras. these when properly repeated rouse spiritual aspirations which usually lies covered in the majority of people. The purpose of japa is to awaken the forgotten spiritual tendency in man. Every aspirant must have a chosen deity called as Istadevata, a particular mantra and a definite center of consciousness. He must hold on to his center of consciousness at all times.

Japa or the repetition of the divine name can be done in different ways. An aspirant may utter loudly, at least loud enough for him to hear, this is called " Vachika". Or he may inaudibly mumble it moving only the lips. This silent Upamasu. The third method is to repeat the mantra mentally without allowing the tongue or the lip to move. This silent repetition is called manasika. Mental repetition is definitely the best, but those who find it difficult may practice the other two methods. what is more important is that the aspirant must hold on to his centre of consciousness while doing japa.


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